One of my most memorable moments

One of my most memorable moments

Waking up after a 36-hour Vision Quest during our Wilderness Leadership Trail in Norway. – Karin Oeseburg   Early October 2021 Pieter and I travel to Oslo to meet Thoralf, our amazing nature guide, and facilitate a conscious bunch of people on a life...
Bravery and Your Own Path

Bravery and Your Own Path

“True happiness comes when you begin to find your own path”. When I first saw this video back in 2015 something hit me. I realized that I had been living the bigger part of my life ‘from the outside in’ and only just had begun to really understand what was meant by...
Overview – Taking on another perspective

Overview – Taking on another perspective

When watching this video, I am at awe on what a different perspective this brings me. That somewhere on this planet I am doing and being my work in connecting and inspiring people to see the whole of themselves, others, their context. This video takes it to another...
The secret of water

The secret of water

Water is an intriguing substance. Why water has been an inspiration for our name can be viewed in this video from Dr. Emoto, a Japanese researcher who have been researching this topic his whole life. His main finding: Water has a memory and is influenced by our...
How we influence our brainwave states to create flow

How we influence our brainwave states to create flow

This TedEx Video of Annette Gudde (2015) describes the power of flow and how our brains get into that state. Being in flow is being one with your environment. This state allows us to do amazing things.  For individual leaders and collectively creating something that...